Two years have passed and I feel as though I should document this moment in my life that was really special in the May of 2014.

The annual family holiday to Italy - but for the second year, Glenn (my boyfriend) came with us. It was lovely to be on holiday will all my favourite people! We stayed at Il Poggio Alle Ville in a town called Borgo San Lorenzo, which we have been back to around 10 or 11 times. It feels like home away from home.

Typically, there is always a market on that we work our way through. Something slightly different this year though, there was a flower festival on in the town which was incredible! Artists create pictures on the streets of the town with petals, soil, stalks etc...

The holiday was coming to an end and we wanted to visit Pisa. I had previously walked up the Leaning Tower of Pisa but because Glenn hadn't done it, we did it again! You can't go to Pisa and not walk up the famous Tower!! It's a very weird feeling walking up and down, as you walk round one corner you will lean towards the right and as you walk round the other side you will lean to the left. It also requires a lot of energy to actually get up to the top (I had to take a few breaks!)

This was my view from the top:

When we got to the top of the tower Glenn got on one knee and  to be honest, from that moment everything was a bit of a blur, but I did say YES!

And this happened...


I remember everyone clapping and coming up to me afterwards saying congratulations! I still can't believe Glenn proposed to me at the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa! Italy is probably my favourite place to go because it reminds me of all my childhood holidays and this has made it more of a special place.

Z x

