Every year, it has become a tradition to go away with the girls in my family to celebrate something such as a birthday (or even nothing). It's always such a nice weekend and one that I always look forward to and treasure. I am all about the memories, if you hadn't already guessed!

The girl band consists of me, my sister, mum, cousin and 3 aunties! Wednesday night prior to travelling was a needed cocktail and dinner evening to get the weekend started, followed by a 3.00 am trip to the airport on Thursday morning. At the airport we all wore matching t-shirts - I am so gutted that I didn't get a picture of us all wearing these!

The flight was pleasant, however I was really unwell when we landed and it took me some hours of rest before I was in the party spirit! The sun was scorching when we arrived (about 28 degrees) and remained at this for the duration of our stay! Tanning on the beach in this heat (in October!) was certainly rare and made it such a relaxing little trip.

There were plenty of shops to wander round, we found some lovely little tapas bars and the nightlife was crazy! On these annual trips, there is always one night where we dress up in matching outfits, unknown to us until the day, and I must admit this outfit definitely turned some heads! We were all air hostesses! We were so busy having fun that we did forget to take some snaps but at least we managed to grab a few!

We travelled home safely, were picked up from London LTN airport and I was (as always) glad to be back on home land.

I would recommend Benidorm to groups of friends travelling and would even go there with my boyfriend, however it wouldn't be my first choice of destinations to return to. The beaches were beautiful and there is lots to see and do. All in all, I did have the best time and wouldn't have changed a minute of my time there.

I love our weekends and look forward to the next one.

Do you have many breaks away with family or friends?

Z x
