My mum’s side of the family originate from Ireland and in 2012 (I think) my Nan took me and my sister over to meet the family! We absolutely loved the cute villages like Killarney and the great shopping in Limerick and I knew I wanted to go back, this time to the City. Dublin is awesome, it’s something about the cold fresh air and the beautiful accents that won’t keep me away.

Talking of cold fresh air, something needed to be done… Yes, a wooly hat!


Of course whilst in Dublin we had to visit the famous Temple Bar which is raved about. Down the cobbled streets (thank goodness I wasn’t wearing heels!) there was a live band playing in this crowded yet comfortable bar so we stayed for a few drinks and soaked up the wild atmosphere…


Getting ready for our final night out, it was selfie central in our apartment (of course). Rocking the berry lip, why not?!


For the show we were seeing at the theatre, I thought it would be only right to create a hairstyle with an Irish/Celtic feel for my sister. She has beautiful hair and was always my model when I was training!


We arrived at the Gaiety Theatre, a 10 minute walk from our apartment and in the heart of Dublin – this theatre is beautiful inside…

We watched Riverdance! My favourite show and it was one of the best nights of my life! (not kidding either). I used to Irish Dance for quite some years until I was left with no choice but to take a break and start my training in Hairdressing, so I found myself reminiscing and missing.

We finally returned to wet and windy London - an enjoyable one as always…


This was a weekend packed with laughter and memories that I’ll never forget.
