This post is just a bit late…BUT, never mind that! For as long as I remember, I have wanted my own house, my own space and mostly, my own rules! I must admit that when we were going through the motions, I did feel like a little girl in a very big world. I had no clue about mortgages, bills, METERS! But it was the most exciting thing EVER! 

I had images in my head of me designing what I would like each room to look like, what décor I was going for. Of course, few of my visions became reality because with the cost of the new build and living consuming my wages, there wasn’t room for all the extras. Slowly but surely I have filled my little home and one year later, things are starting to come together!

Moving into your first home can be a bit stressful but it is supposed to be one of the most exciting times in your life, but living at home with my mum and my sister was bliss. I did love every minute of it. If you are lucky enough that you have a close relationship with your parents/siblings, you may know what I’m talking about. For the couple of weeks in the new house, I did struggle to settle and don't think I fully relaxed, but I have overcome my silly-ness of missing home and created a new home for myself! The freedom is awesome and being away from my mum and sister means that we make more of an effort to go out and spend quality time together, which is lovely. 

The estate I live on is slowly starting to look less like a building site. It was amazing watching the development from a pile of mud, to the finished piece!


I will be sharing some of my interiors along the way and hopefully you can learn and take ideas for your own homes.


