Recently, I've been so consumed with every day life and commitments, that I'm forgetting to make my life worth living.

I know I've always been a workaholic and I find myself working at every opportunity! Things that I love doing are hairdressing, baking, blogging, reading, going away for weekends, and spending time with special ones.  However, these things are always slotted in as and when, rather than taking priority. The only thing I can recall making time to do, is hairdressing, and all my other favourite things to do are taking an unfortunate back seat.

It is now September and heading to Christmas, my absolute favourite time of year, shortly followed by News Years Eve, my second favourite time of year... So, where has the time gone?!

This means I am left with 3 months to decide how to balance my time before I make the new years resolution!

Work/life balance is so important, because working your arse off will give you more money in the short term (hardly a bad thing) but I want memories for the long term!

This is a rather pondering blog post to get my thoughts out of my head. One day I want to read back and know I made a change for the better. Step one: Dedicate one night every week to spend time with my favourite people, or even just spend the evening in my home that I love so much.

I'm currently writing this post in my lunch break at work which proves my point exactly of not making time for things I love. I should be sitting at home, cosy on the sofa with a blanket and hot drink, tapping away at the keyboard.

Am I alone? Do we all feel so much pressure with everyday life that we forget to start living?

Z x
